W.H.E.R.E. education consultants
W.H.E.R.E. education consultants is a company that focuses only on British education. Such approach allows us to always be aware of new educational establishments, as well as any potential legal or immigration changes within its field. All our consultants graduated and worked at top educational institutions such as London School of Economics, Eton College, Cambridge, etc.
Education in Britain
Searching for the right university or school can be very time consuming, but the choice you make can be crucial for ones future life and career. Choosing the right eductaional institution is crually important. Aside from reputation, both schools and universities ought to harbor a high quality of atmosphere, environment, teaching, qualifications and ample networking and social opportunities. Every person has different expectation of all these vital aspects and our consultants are here to help you find the right one. Now, there are more than 100 higher educational institutions and many private schools accredited for foreign students and pupils. W.H.E.R.E. consultants can help you find the most suitable options for you or your child, by taking into account all your priorities and criteria.
Let us know how we can help you. All of our services will be custom fitted to your particular needs. Whether you hope to return to your home country with employable skills and new knowledge as a national leader, or perhaps to become a thriving entrepreneur in the UK after your studies, we want to foster your vision for success.